Every order requires a signature for delivery.
We do not ship to P.O. box addresses. We will ship to physical home and business addresses only.
Once an order is placed you can’t change the address because of security purposes. We are not even able to redirect the package to a different address for any reason.
FedEx and ups will generally make three attempts to deliver your package. After the third attempt, it will be delivered back to Stunning Jewelry. We will contact you to determine the next steps.
The risk of loss and title of the item passes to you, the customer, upon our delivery to the carrier.
We are not responsible for shipping delays due to inclement weather, carrier delays, incorrect address, or updated address information. Plus, We’ll Ship Orders Free Of Charge, And Even Offer Free Returns For 30 Days. You Won’t Have To Worry About Unexpected Fees Or Charges At Checkout.
At Stunning Jewelry, we ensure our customers get the best experience when shopping with us, our content is in English, and all pricing is in local currency (US dollars).
Our aim is to serve the best jewelry with affordable and convenient prices in which every individual can afford and fulfill their dreams of stunning jewelry for day-to-day life to special occasions.
Our vision is to make a presence in every corner of the world to serve love, engraving, and specialty through stunning jewelry that make a smile on every induvial.